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​To Readers:

The literature listed on the following pages is a sampling from the England category in my catalogue which is now out of print. I have read many of the stories listed in my catalogue and have included a synopsis for the almost 1000 titles that are chronologically formatted and indexed for subject matter and countries. 
You can find many of these stories in the children or youth section of your local library. Owning a card for each city library system or using interlink/interloan are easy and convenient ways to access most of the books. However, you may find that a few stories are no longer in circulation or out of print. Visiting library book sales and thrift stores are economical options for finding some of these books.  

I have been careful to pick well written literature where the author has taken some time to research their work. Also, rather than putting a reading level on any of the stories and relegating them to a particular age group, I've left it up to the individual to make their own choice of literature. 

If you have a question about any of the titles on this website or would like some historical fiction titles about a country or an era, feel free to contact me at the following email address. This is a free service.



Historical Fiction of England

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